Saturday, August 30, 2014

Purpose of Myth Review

1. Name 4 fundamental questions that myths address.
-Who am I?
-How do I relate to that universe?
-How much control do I have over my own life?
-What is the nature of the universe in which I live?
2. Name 4 themes in world mythology.
-The first parents are often Gods of sky and earth
-The Gods destroy at least one world of mortals by causing a great flood
-In the world as in nature, birth, maturity, and death are often followed by rebirth
-Heroes are children of Gods who have an unusual birth, possess extraordinary strength, kill monsters with the help of special weapons, embark on an arduous journey, descend into the underworld as part of their tasks, and have an unusual death.
3. What is the beginning of the universe for most major cultures?
-Most of the major cultures start with the beginning of the universe- a chaotic, formless mass that a God or pair of Gods separates
4. What do hero myths and epics teach members of society?
-Heroic myths and epics of a society teach it's members the appropriate attitudes, behavior, and values of that culture
5. Why do ordinary people identify with heroes?
-Heroes human weaknesses are often as instructive as their heroic qualities. Their imperfections allow ordinary people to identify with them and to like them
6. What is the foundation of Matriarchal Society?
-The political, economic, social, and religious foundation of the matriarchal society was the agricultural year.
7. What is Sigmund Freud's view of myths?
-Sigmund Freud followers viewed myths as the expression of the individual's unconscious wishes, fears, and drives
8. Myths demonstrate that people possess...
-Myths are identical products from identical minds, so myths around the world possess a common structure. Their myths demonstrate that they possess the intellectual capacity to understand the world in which they live

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

BOR Essay

Birth Order Research on Firstborn Children 
Education expert and speaker Dr. Gail Gross said, "Because they have had so much control and attention from their first-time parents, they are over-responsible, reliable, well-behaved, careful and smaller versions of their parents." This statement is relevant to my topic because Birth Order Researchers have also said this about firstborn children. I am an older child and researchers have found traits I connect with and some I do not. 
One trait from the B.O.R states that older children are well-organized. I am a organized person with my school work and how I keep all my papers in my bag/backpack. I am also organized with my bedroom. I hate when it is messy and I keep it clean with all my clothes hanging and folded. Therefore, I agree with this trait of being a well-organized person.  
Another trait from researchers say we are tolerant. An example of me being a tolerant person is when my friends plan to do something I don’t really want to do, but I do anyways. I go with what they want because everything can't always be my way or what I want to do. People also don't always agree with what I like. Instead of getting offended, I accept their opinions and the fact that they are not like me. Being tolerant is how I am sometimes, so I also agree with this trait. 
The B.O.R states that firstborns are likely to have a career in science. In most of my past science classes, I've thought that they were boring. Not sure if it was the teachers and how they worked in class, but that's my opinion on the classes. Although I do like science in general, I don’t think I'd have a career in science. This is one trait I don't agree with because science just really isn't my best subject in school. 
From some of my life experiences and my personality, I can relate to most of the Birth Order Research traits on firstborns. My thought about the research is that it's pretty interesting how there are many people with common characteristics depending on their birth order. This has changed my views of getting to know someone with the same birth order as mine because they might have the same opinions about the research on firstborn children. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

BOR Research and Evidence T-Chart

What the Research saysEvidence showing accuracy or inaccuracy
SarcasticI am sarcastic sometimes. You can ask my friends. Not a mean sarcastic of course, but funny.
Well-OrganizedI am well-organized. All my schoolwork is organized in my binder which is kept in my organized bag/backpack. My room is pretty organized as well.
Holding GrudgesI totally disagree with this trait. I don't like to hold grudges against anyone or anything. I'm the "forgive and forget" type of person.
TolerantI am sort of a tolerant person. Even if I don't agree with what my friends plan to do sometimes, I go with it anyway just because I know everything can't go my way all the time. I find a way to put up with it just sometimes though.
Career in ScienceI disagree with the career of science. I like science, but it's not really my thing to do.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Reflections On Week 1

  1. There is nothing that will or should affect my participation in this class right now. I have internet access, transportation to school, and a pretty well organized schedule. I have the time after school to get all my homework done and keep up with everything Mr.Ostini posts.
  2. An awesome best ever learning experience that changed me was when I went to Cal Poly and watched the girl's basketball team practice. It was in 8th grade with my basketball team from Tommie Kunst. I learned that to be able to even be on the team, you'd have to have really good grades and keep them up to play. From listening to each of the girl's talk about how they manage to play ball and do well in school inspired me to do good in my classes. It's student before athlete. I knew my ideas for school were changing because watching them made think about how I wanna live my life in college.
  3. I am most excited for meeting all the new people in this class. I look forward into learning more about and improving my reading and writing. I think the learning will really help and make a practical difference in my life because reading and writing is very useful in everything and is required for everyone to know. 

Words from Latin Roots #1

Roots and Derivatives

     1. act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
     2. ali, alter: another, other
     3. am: at/ to love
     4. anim: life, spirit, soul

Word List
  1. agenda- a list, plan, outline, or the like, of things to be done, matters to be acted or voted upon, etc.: We all use our agenda to keep track of our assignments. 
  2.  agile- quick and well-coordinated in movement; lithe: The frog made an agile jump to the other side of the pong.
  3.  alienate- to make indifferent or hostile: He started to alienate his friends after choosing his girlfriend over them.
  4.  altercation- a heated or angry dispute; noisy argument or controversy: The three men had a long altercation about who was keeping the house after the death of their father. 
  5.  amiable- having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities; affable: When we first met our teacher, she gave us an amiable greeting.
  6.   amorous- inclined or disposed to love, especially sexual love: They both had an amorous look on their face after having dinner.
  7.   animated- full of life, action, or spirit; lively; vigorous: Old animated movies are lots of my favorites. 
  8.   equanimity- mental or emotional stability or composure, especially under tension or strain; calmness; equilibrium: The front office has an equanimity that anything loud should not be brought in there.
  9.   inalienable- not alienable; not transferable to another or capable of being repudiated: The post office called us saying our mail to NY is inalienable until the next two months.
  10.   inanimate- not animate; lifeless: I have an inanimate baby doll.
  11.   magnanimous- generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness: My mother is a very magnanimous person after forgiving those who caused her an injury.
  12.   reactionary- of, pertaining to, marked by, or favoring reaction, especially extreme conversation or rightism in politics; opposing political or social change: We need more reactionary people to change the bad to good in our society.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My Six Words

My name is Kristy Rose Tumbaga and above is a short vine of my six words. I chose "Every Failure Leads Up To Success" because it describes me as a person and athlete.
We all make mistakes... but sometimes there are some people that give up and don't try to fix their mistakes.
When I come to a point where something is difficult for me to do or understand, I keep trying until I get it. We not only fail by trying to do or understand something, but by how we live.
I had a friend make me think everything she did, I had to do to stay friends with her. For me following her and getting me into lots of trouble in middle school, was a failure of mine that I learned from. I learned to choose better friends and that really helped me because when they did good in school it made me want to do the same.
This year is going to be my fourth year playing basketball. Four years is not as long as many other girls have been playing. When I started I was in seventh grade playing power forward or the 4. As I made mistakes and learned more about the game, I made my way up to point guard when I got to high school. I'm proud of myself for sticking with basketball even though I fail many times in games or in trying to improve my skills. It's all about learning from your mistakes. You go through it so you can learn from it.