Latin Roots #5
Roots and Derivatives
- cent(i) (hundred): century, centennial, centigrade, centimeter
- cid(e), cis(e) (cut, kill): homicide, incision, suicide, scissors, circumcise
- clam, claim (cry out, declare): clamor, exclaim, proclaim, disclaim
- cord, cour (heart): accord, courage, encouraged, cordiform, cordate
Word List
- bicentennial a, n: (related to) a celebration of a two hundredth anniversary; a, happening once in a period of two hundred years or lasting two hundred years -In 1976, the United States held it's bicentennial celebration.
- centenarian n: a person who has lived to be one hundred years old -I met a centenarian at my mom's work, he was one hundred and seven years old.
- centurion n, a: a Roman officer commanding one hundred men; a, related to the military mind, especially as it favors military solutions for handling social problems -The old centurion was able to tell his men about the times he was in war.
- clamorous a: characterized by continuous loud and complaining voices; noisily complaining insistent -The clamorous voices of the girls in PE class were starting to irritate me.
- concise a: covering much in few words; brief and to the point -He made a very concise speech, but it had a lot of meaning to it.
- concordance n: a condition of harmony or agreement; an alphabetical index indicating reference passages, as from a writer's works -We had a concordance on who would take the trophy home.
- cordial a: of the heart; warm and friendly; amiable -Everyone at the meeting was cordial and no body made anyone feel left out.
- discordant a: (sounding) harsh or inharmonious; clashing -She gave a discordant threat after he had got in a fight with her son.
- genocide n: the systematic extermination of an ethnic group -Hitler's killing is an example of genocide.
- incisive a: keenly penetrating; cutting into -The movie had many incisive scenes.
- proclamation n: an official statement or announcement that informs or honors -We had a proclamation before basketball season started.
- reclaim v: to claim again; to restore to former importance or usefulness -I am planning to reclaim my old room and make it into a little workout room.
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