Latin Roots #6
Roots and Derivatives
- corp(or) (body): corpse, corporation, corps
- cred (to believe, to trust): credo, credit, credentials
- cur(r), curs, course (to run, to flow): current, excursion, concur, curriculum
- dic(t) (to speak, to say): diction, dictionary, addict, interdiction
Word List
- benediction n: the invocation of a divine blessing, as at the close of a religious service; a blessing or state of blessedness -We attended the benediction at St. Mary's church.
- concourse n: a running or flowing together; a broad public walkway or hallway; a crowd or throng -Entering the park, there is a concourse for the public to take their dogs.
- concurrent a: occurring at the same time; meeting or acting together -It will be a concurrent meeting in the school library with all the teams in there.
- corporal a: related to the physical body -Your arm is a corporal.
- corpulent a: very stout; fleshy and obese; fat -The corpulent pig experienced his last time in the mud.
- credibility n: the quality of being believable or trustworthy -The bank my mom has been using for almost eight years must have great credibility.
- credulity n: the (naive) willingness to believe too easily without proof -You should not have too much credulity because people may take you for granted.
- cursory a: done in a superficial or hasty manner -We got a cursory basketball team this year.
- dictum n: an authoritative saying or maxim -For the speech, we all have a dictum of how much to say.
- incorporate v: to form into one body or functioning unit; to combine several different things into a whole -Our mission was to incorporate the puzzle in twenty minutes.
- incredulous a: not believing, skeptical, or doubting -She was known as a incredulous person ,therefore, no one really talked to her.
- indicative a: characteristic of or very much like; suggestive -He bought me indicative shoes for my birthday.
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